So up early - very reluctantly for some and off to Varese to visit Villa Panza and a display of remarkable modern art. We walked into the first room and we were laughing about the big canvases on the wall each painted in a single colour - green, red, blue, purple...etc the guide then told us they were works of art and a part of the collection. Not a good start. This gallery is all about light and colour. The guide invited us into a special world of light which consisted of white rooms with different fluorescent coloured lights. This was the art and Lyndal lost it and started laughing which set the other two amigos laughing. By this stage Lyndal was a little hysterical as we were invited into the blue room - yep white room blue lights. Well this continued for a couple of rooms before Lyndal got her act together. But alas the special surprise was waiting while we were standing in the hall way and the guide counted 3,2,1 and.....turned on a light switch which lit coloured lights. This time the Italians lost it as well and we all had to move on quickly. To be fair some of the rooms were pretty impressive but art???? We then got to make our own picture out of light which turned out pretty cool by using torches and coloured filters with time lapse photography.

Lunch was in the beautiful gardens and we all had a bit of a run around and relaxing on the grass. Then we were off to shop and then to the Cascina where we were cooking for the Italians. Shopping was a nightmare apparently but, for most we were just chilling outside with some Africans playing some footy in the car park.

Dinner promised to be a disaster but five cooks in a strange kitchen and BBQ pulled it together as we made them burgers, vegie fritters, potato salad, big chopped salad and lots of veggies with beer and wine. Finished with a pavlova with lots of fresh fruit and cream.

A clean up and the off to orchestra practice for our performance tomorrow night. This time it was Katie tinging her glockenspiel after we had stopped as toothpaste man was absent.

Til tomorrow


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    Fred is the CEO of Interchange Outer East but his other role is providing the comical entertainment through his blog and daily actions.